Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Recount Text What is recount text ?

Recount Text
What is recount text ? 

Recount text is a recount is a text which list and describe past experience by retelling events in the order in which they happened ( chronological order ). The purpose of the Recount text is to retell events with the purpose of either informing or entertaining their audience ( or both ).
The basic recount consists of three parts:
  • -         The setting or Orientation :backround information answering who ? When ?Where ?Why ?
  • -         Events are identified and described in chronological order.
  • -         Reorientation which is concluding comments express a personal opinion regarding the event describe.
The language features of the recount text are :
  • -         The language is written in simple past tense.
  • -         Frequent use is made of words which link events in time, such as next,later, when, then, after, before, first.
Recount text can be occur in the form of personal recount ( such as biography ), factual recount, or imaginative recount. The major difference between recount and narrative text ins the generic struckture. If passage doesn’t have a conflict and retells past events, that is called as a recount text
Example of recount text:

In the mood for helping
One day last year,i had to go with my father on a bussiness trip in another town. I was in a really bad mood because I had towait for him for a long time in our car. (orientation)
I decided to walk around the parking area. From this spot. I could  see two women and a man crossing the road towards a doctor a surgery. The man was limping and had a handkerchief tied around his ankle. The surgery was closed , but I could now clearly see the man’s injury. Blood was flowing all over his foot and he was leaving a trail as he walked .
I grabbed the first aid bandages i had in the glove box,and then iwent over to the gruop and offered my help.One of the women used the bandages to restrict the blood flow and they made their way back to her car. My own mood had suddenly changed too i felt terrific!(events)
I am grateful to have been able to show some kindness,and too see how that stopped me wallowing in self-pity and anger.I am so glad.(re-orientation)

The text above is a recount text in written form.A recount text use the simple past tense. A recount has certain elements as follows .

  1. ·        Orientation : tells about what happened,where the story happened, who was involved in the story, when it occurred,or why it happened.
  2. ·        A series of events : tell the story.These are usually described in time order.
  3. ·         Re-orientation : is the closure of events(usually optional).

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